322 Woodstock Rd Oxford OX2 7NS 01865 515138

Parish business email: stgregorysrcchurch@gmail.com
The Catholic Parish Church of SS Gregory & Augustine, founded 1912
Find us at:
322 Woodstock Road, Oxford OX2 7NS
Tel. 01865 515138
Priest in charge: Father John Saward (01865 515138) - Deacon: Rev. James Forde-Johnston
Parish business email: stgregorysrcchurch@gmail.com
Pastoral email: fr.john.saward@rcaob.org.uk
Website: www.ssgregoryandaugustine.org
Live-Stream TV is accessible 24/7 at https://www.churchservices.tv/oxford
Who we are:
Priest in charge: Father John Saward, sanctusgregorius@btinternet.com
Deacon: Rev James Forde-Johnston, email dcn.james.forde-johnston@rcaob.org.uk
Treasurer & Maintenance Manager: Mike Sauvage, Tel: 07711 578 803
Secretary & Parish Hall Manager: Kathy Archer, Tel: 07717 164 410
Safeguarding Officer: Claire Harrington, email sg.stgregory-staugustine.Oxford@rcaob.org.uk